Positive wellbeing is fundamental to a child’s ability to learn, develop and thrive at school.
We know that when students feel supported, they are more engaged with their learning.
At Sydney Catholic Schools, we commit to providing safe, supportive and inclusive environments which nurture the wellbeing of all students and staff in our community.
Our student wellbeing policy is underpinned by the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework. The framework recognises five elements that are key to supporting the whole school community to build and maintain safe, positive relationships and wellbeing: leadership, inclusion, student voice, partnerships and support.
This is complemented by the Be You Framework, a national initiative for educators aimed at promoting and protecting positive mental health in children and young people. The integration of both frameworks supports our school communities to provide every student with the strongest foundation possible for them to reach their aspirations in learning and in life.
We have a systemic approach to wellbeing and positive behaviour with tiers of support to meet the diverse needs of staff, students and families. The offerings range from whole school initiatives, actively seeking student voice, system policies on anti-bullying, student counselling, staff training in student wellbeing, along with targeted interventions for students with complex social and emotional needs.
“Listen my child. Listen with the ear of your heart”
The rule of St Benedict
Positive Behaviour is a whole school approach with a strong emphasis on teaching appropriate behaviours and providing systems of support to reinforce positive behaviours. The aim of a positive behaviour approach is to actively teach and reinforce desired behaviours.

Our school agreements- Be Respectful, Safe, Responsible and a Learner are underpinned by Gospel Values which resonate with the behavioural expectations and appropriate student behaviours that contribute to the functioning of our school as a safe and supportive learning environment. St James’ agreements outline appropriate student behaviours that contribute to the functioning of our school as a safe, nurturing and inclusive learning environment. Students at St James Catholic Primary School are taught, encouraged and supported to demonstrate these expected behaviours.
“As a faith-filled community, fully alive in Relationships we …
welcome, collaborate, support, listen and connect to explore and make a positive difference in our world.”
Sydney Catholic Schools rejects all forms of bullying behaviours, including online (or cyber) bullying, by maintaining a commitment to providing safe, inclusive and respectful learning communities that promote student wellbeing for learning. Staff at Sydney Catholic Schools are committed to employing wellbeing strategies that allow for a healthy school environment where bullying is less likely to occur.
If your child is experiencing bullying of any kind, or you have a wellbeing concern, we have a number of support services available for parents/carers and students, as listed below.
School Contact Information
- NSW School Police Liaison – Glebe Police (02) 9552 8099
- Catholic Care School Counsellor is available weekly and can be contacted via school email info@stjglebe.catholic.edu.au
Support services:
- Kids Helpline
- Student Wellbeing Hub – Department of Education
- Anti Bullying – Department of Education
- Be You
- Parent Line NSW
- Family and Community Services Helpline: 133 627
- NSW Health: (02) 9391 9000